Nokia 9000i Communicator - Weekly schedule

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Weekly schedule

The weekly schedule shows the timetable of the
selected week.
• Today’s date is outlined by a square frame

(June 17th in figure 9-3).

• The currently selected time box is shaded

(Thursday 19th, 12:00 in figure 9-3).

• All the events are marked with grey bars

according to their start and end times. The
bars are thinner if the events of the day
overlap (Friday 20th in figure 9-3).

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Calendar booking

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• If the whole day has been reserved for an

event, all the time boxes are marked with a
dark grey bar (Tuesday 17th in figure 9-3).

To enter an event in the weekly schedule, type
the event description. The Details view will open

To open the daily schedule or the monthly sched-
ule, press Day or Month, respectively.

You can use the scroll buttons and arrow keys to
scroll inside a day in the weekly schedule.

If you scroll to a time box containing an event,
the bar across the bottom of the weekly schedule
will show the basic details of the event (see fig-

ure 9-3). The numbers to the right of the event
description indicate the number of events that
are contained within that time box (e.g., “2/3”
means that you are seeing the details of the sec-
ond of three events).

If a time box contains more than one event, you
may view the basic details of each event in the
time box by scrolling to the time box and press-
ing the Tab key on the keyboard. Press Shift and
Tab to view the previous event.