Reading mail
Unlike faxes, Internet mail addressed to you is
not automatically received by your communica-
tor, but a remote mailbox (figure 7-5). This is to
let you determine which messages you want to
read and when. To read your mail, you must first
connect to your remote mailbox and then select
the messages you wish to fetch onto your com-
municator. Connection to the remote mailbox is
established via a data call.
If your remote mailbox server is capable of send-
ing you special short messages, you will hear
tone (unless the system is set to silent service
mode) and see a note when new mail arrives in
your remote mailbox.
Mail that you fetch from your remote mailbox is
stored in the Received mail folder. To open the
Received mail folder, select it in the Mail main
view and press Open. The folder lists received
mail messages. Mail messages that have not yet
been opened in the communicator are marked
with .
• To rename or delete a document press
Rename or Delete.
• To close the Received mail folder, press Close.
• To view the selected message, press Open.
The selected message is opened in the mail
From the Received mail folder, when you open a
received mail the following command buttons
are displayed:
Menu — Opens up a pop-up box with the reply
and forward options:
Reply (include text) — Replies to a mail mes-
sage and includes the received mail in your
Reply — Replies to a mail message without in-
cluding the received mail in your reply.
Reply all (include text) — Replies to all persons
who received the mail and includes the re-
ceived mail in your reply.
Reply all — Replies to all persons who received
the mail without including the received mail
in your reply.
Forward — Forwards a received mail and the
possible mail attachments.
Scroll to any of these and press Select.
Attachments — Lists all MIME attachments
(text, image, audio, video or application). If no
attachments are contained in the message, this
command is dimmed. When viewing the list of
attachments you may select an attachment and
choose from the following options:
View will open and display the attach-
ment, provided there is enough memory
and a viewer associated with the attach-
Save will save the attachment in the
Downloaded files folder.
Close returns you to the previous screen.
Delete — Deletes the open mail message.
Figure 7-4

Reading mail
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Close — Returns you to the previous screen.