Nokia 9000i Communicator - Viewing images

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Viewing images

Images that are part of the fetched WWW page
are called inline images. By default, inline images
are not fetched with the WWW page (see the op-
tion Autoload images in ”WWW settings” on
page 7-11), but will be displayed as icons. To
fetch an image, select the icon and press Fetch

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Chapter 7 - Internet


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Inline images can also be image maps. An inline
image map acts like a hyperlink. A fetched and

selected image map contains a cursor which can
be moved with the keyboard arrow keys. When
you press Fetch, the pixel coordinates of the cur-
sor are sent to the URL, and the corresponding
WWW page is fetched.

Images that are separate documents and not part
of a hypertext document are called external im-
ages. When an external image is fetched, it is
viewed separately from the hypertext document
in the image viewer.

The external image viewer commands are:

Copy image copies the external image in the
Downloaded files folder with its server-given

View enables zooming, see chapter 5 "Fax:
Received faxes" on page 5-3.