Nokia 9000i Communicator - Defining Terminal connections

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Defining Terminal connections

After you have pressed Define in the Terminal
main view, the defined Terminal connections are

To edit existing connections, press Edit.

To define new Terminal connections, press New.

To delete the selected connection, press Delete.

Pressing Edit or New opens the Define Terminal
connection view (figure 7-9):

Connection name — Edit an existing or enter a
new connection name. The name can be defined

Phone number — The phone number for accessing
the service. The phone number may include spac-
es and hyphens.

Data bits — Service/host specific communication
parameter: 7/8 (default).

Parity — Service/host specific communication
parameter: None (default)/Odd/Even.

Stop bits — Service/host specific communication
parameter: 1 (default)/2.

Local echo — Controls whether characters typed
from the communicator keyboard are echoed to
the communicator interface display (i.e., locally)
or to the remote host computer: On (echoed lo-
cally)/Off (echoed to the remote host – default).

Figure 7-9

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Chapter 7 - Internet


1998 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.

Modem initialisation — Any modem initialisation
string containing AT commands may be entered
here, if needed. The initialisation string you enter
here is executed after the initialisation string you
define in the Internet settings (in Modem initial-
isation: Custom

Backspace key — Defines whether the keyboard
backspace key is used as a backspace (BS - de-
fault) or delete (DEL) key.