Nokia 9000i Communicator - Defining Telnet connections

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Defining Telnet connections

After you have pressed Define in the Telnet main
view, the defined Telnet connections are shown.

To edit existing connections, press Edit.
To define new Telnet connections, press New.
To delete the selected connection, press Delete.

Pressing Edit or New opens the Define Telnet
connection view, where you can define the fol-
lowing settings:

Connection name — Edit an existing or enter a
new connection name. The name can be defined

Destination host — Edit an existing or enter a
new connection address. The host is identified by
either a numeric IP address or a correct textual
host name.

Internet access — Select a service provider from
those currently defined. To change the preferred
service provider, press the Change command

Backspace key — Defines whether the keyboard
backspace key is used as a backspace (BS - de-
fault) or delete (DEL) key.