Nokia 9000i Communicator - Connecting to WWW

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Connecting to WWW

Select a WWW page from the Hotlist or enter a
URL address into the URL entry box (see ”Navi-
gating in WWW” on page 7-14) and press Fetch.

If the WWW page was already recently fetched,
the page is fetched from temporary working mem-

ory (or “cache”). If not, the page is fetched from
the Internet by making a data call to the selected
Internet access point. You can also fetch WWW
pages stored on the communicator by using the

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Chapter 7 - Internet


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prefix “file:///.” See "Connecting to WWW: Locally
stored WWW pages" on page 7-13.

Some servers have access restrictions that re-
quire a valid user name and password. In this
case, you must enter the user name and pass-
word before the document can be fetched. The
communicator stores the passwords and user
names that you enter to gain access to that do-
main, and the next time you connect to the same
domain, they will be offered automatically. If au-
tomated login does not succeed, you must enter
the information manually.

Note: Stored passwords to individual web sites

are removed when the communicator is

The fetched WWW page is loaded in the WWW
browser. The status line on top of the display
shows the status of the connection, the title of
the document and how many bytes of the docu-
ment file have been received.

To reload a web page, press Ctrl-R.

After the WWW page has been fetched, the fol-
lowing commands are available (see figure 7-6):

Go activates the WWW navigation commands,
see ”Navigating in WWW” on page 7-14.

Save activates a new set of commands:

Copy text/Copy image copies the text (or im-
age) on the opened page into the Downloaded
files folder. Possible text formattings are re-
tained in the copy.
Add to hotlist adds on the Hotlist a link
pointing to this WWW page.
Copy HTML saves the HTML code of the cur-
rently opened WWW page or inline image
into the Downloaded files folder and adds on

the Hotlist a link pointing to this WWW page.
See "Connecting to WWW: Locally stored
WWW pages" on page 7-13.
Back returns the previous set of commands.

Go off line ends the data call and disconnects
from the Internet. Once you are off line, this
command changes to Go on line.

You may use the off line function, for example, to
read copied text off line. The copied text can be
read or edited (see chapter 8 "Notes: Editing" on
page 8-2).

To reconnect to the Internet, press Go on line.
While you are off line, commands Fetch, Fetch
or Previous, or other applications may
also return you to on line.

Close returns to the Hotlist.