Nokia 9000i Communicator - Changing the settings of network services

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Changing the settings of
network services

The network services call diverting, call barring
and call waiting, may not be supported by all op-
erators, or you may have to subscribe to them.

Information about the status of these services is
stored in the network. Therefore, the current set-
tings are not shown until you request the infor-
mation from the network by pressing Get status.

While the communicator is making a request to
the network, a query note is shown on the dis-
play. After a successful request, the new status
now appears on the settings list.

When a divert is active and you make a call, a
text is shown on the phone interface display, re-
minding you that your incoming calls will be di-
verted to another phone number. The text will
appear only if your network operator supports
this feature.

To cancel all call diverts or barrings, press Cancel
call diverts
or Cancel call barrings.