Nokia 9000i Communicator - Sending DTMF tones

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Sending DTMF tones

The Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) tones al-
low you to communicate with voice mailboxes,
computerised telephony systems, etc. Besides the
numbers 0 - 9, you can also use the characters p,
, * and # (for information on the functions of
these characters, see chapter 3 "Contacts: Con-
tact cards - Storing DTMF tones" on page 3-3).

To send a DTMF sequence when you have an ac-

tive call:


Key the digits from the communicator inter-
face keyboard. Each keystroke will generate a
DTMF tone which will be transmitted directly.

Or alternatively,


Press Send DTMF. A list of stored DTMF se-
quences is shown (for information on how to
store DTMF sequences, see chapter 3 "Con-
tacts: Contact cards - Storing DTMF tones" on
page 3-3).


Select a DTMF sequence. You can edit the se-
quence, or, if there are no stored sequences,
you can enter the DTMF string manually into
the field.


Press Send to send the DTMF sequence shown
in the input field, at the bottom of the display.

Note: You cannot access the DTMF view during

a conference call. However, you can send
DTMF tones during a conference call by
entering the digits from the keyboard.