Nokia 9000i Communicator - Logs

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Press Logs in the Contacts main view. The
command set changes.


Select the desired log type by pressing either
Individual log or General log.

To erase the contents of the log:


Press Clear list. A pop-up box opens to let you
define which contacts will be deleted (meas-
ured in days). The clearing procedure reflects
on the other log, as well.

To create a new contact card:


Open the General log.



* and #

May be used if the DTMF
service requires them.

p (pause)

Inserts a pause of 2.5 sec-
onds in front of, or between,
DTMF digits.

w (wait)

When the “w” character is
stored in a sequence, the
rest of the sequence is not
sent until you press Send
again in the Telephone

Table 3-1

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Contacts directory and the phone interface

1998 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.


Select a log event and press Create card. If
the contact card already exists, the command
is dimmed.

To view only certain communication types:


Open the General log and press Filter.


Select the communication type you want to
view and press OK.

Note: Remote mailbox, Terminal and Internet

connections are logged as data calls.