Speed dials
The Speed dials command (see figure 3-1) lets you
assign speed dials to eight phone numbers
Figure 3-1
Chapter 3 - Contacts
1998 Nokia Mobile Phones. All Rights Reserved.
(number 1 is reserved for calling your voice mail-
box, see chapter 4 "Telephone: Telephone set-
tings" on page 4-6). For information on how to use
the speed dials, see chapter 13 "Phone interface:
Using memory - Dialling shortcuts" on page 13-5.
To set speed dials:
Press Speed dials in an opened contact card.
All phone number fields of the contact card
are shown.
Select a field to which you want to assign a
speed dial and press Change. Select a loca-
tion and press OK.
To change or remove speed dials:
Select the speed dial you want to change or
remove and press Change.
Move the selection frame to the location you
want to use and press OK. If you want to re-
move a speed dial location, choose None.