Nokia 9000i Communicator - SIM card contents

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SIM card contents

After the personalisation procedure, if the in-
stalled SIM card contains stored names or num-
bers, you will be asked if you want to copy the

SIM card contents into the communicator’s
memory (Contacts directory). If the phone inter-
face is switched off, the question will be asked
the next time the phone interface is on and you
activate the communicator interface.

If you want to do the copying later, you can an-
swer no, and do it manually via the phone inter-
face, see chapter 13 "Phone interface: Menus -
Memory functions (Menu 8)" on page 13-13.

After start-up, the communicator (or “B”) mem-
ory is selected automatically as the active mem-
ory. If you want, you may later set the phone
interface to use the SIM card (“A”) memory in-
stead of the communicator memory. The com-
municator interface applications, however, will
always use the communicator memory. Also, the
communicator memory can hold much more in-
formation than the SIM card memory.

All phone numbers copied from the SIM memory
to the Contacts directory will go to the Tel field
of the contact cards. Therefore, you must move
all mobile phone numbers manually into the cor-
rect field. See chapter 3 "Contacts: Contact
cards" on page 3-1.