Using memory
The phone numbers and names you store are nor-
mally located in the standard memory of the
communicator, indicated by the letter “B” on the
phone interface display.
The “B” memory is the communicator memory,
known as the Contacts directory. When the com-
municator is started up for the first time, the “B”
memory is selected automatically.
The “A” memory is located on the SIM card that
is inserted in the communicator. The SIM card
memory uses numbered memory locations to
store data. When numbers are saved in the SIM
card (“A”) memory, a message will indicate its lo-
cation number. The number of standard memory
locations available on SIM cards varies from one
card to another.
When the “A” memory is selected, the phone in-
terface stores all contact information on the SIM
card and cannot access the Contacts directory.
Therefore, the use of the communications appli-
cations of the communicator interface will be
less convenient (you will have to enter most con-
tact information manually). This manual will as-
sume that you use the standard “B” memory.