In-call options (Menu 9)
The phone interface provides a number of control
functions that you can use during a call. To ac-
cess the in-call options during a call, simply press
and hold the Menu for a second. The in-call op-
tions are not numbered. You cannot, therefore,
access them by the shortcut method.
Mute / Unmute — Switches off or on the commu-
nicator’s microphone. If the communicator is
connected to a hands free car kit, Mute turns off
the microphone of the car kit, as well.
Hold / Unhold — Hold allows you to put a cur-
rently active call on hold, so that another call can
be initiated. After you have finished the new call
(with Drop call, see below), the original call can
be made active again by selecting Unhold. If the
held call is the only call, you can also unhold it
by pressing
Swap — This function is available when you have
one active and one held call. Swap makes the held
call active and puts the currently active call on
hold. In this way, you may converse with one party
without ending the other call. Instead of using this
function, you can press
to swap between the
calls if no numbers have been keyed in.
Drop call — Ends the currently active call. This
function is useful when there is an active call, as
well as a held call. In such a situation, pressing
would terminate both calls.
Join / Private — Join includes a new participant in
a conference call. During a conference call, Pri-
vate allows you to converse privately with a se-
lected call participant.
Transfer — The voice call transfer enables you to
connect two voice calls together and disconnect
yourself from both calls. See chapter 4 "Tele-
phone: Managing calls - Voice call transfer" on
page 4-4.
Data — When you have an alternating call active,
this option changes the mode of the call from
voice to fax or data (see chapter 4 "Telephone:
Managing calls - Alternating calls" on page 4-5).
Speech — When you have an alternating call ac-
tive, this option changes the mode of the call
from fax or data to voice.
Send DTMF — Transmits Dual Tone Multi Fre-
quency tones. This function helps you communi-
cate with answering machines, computerised
telephony systems, etc. For more details, see
”Sending DTMF tones” on page 13-3.