Nokia 9000i Communicator - Currency converter

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Currency converter

If you select currency as the conversion type, the
command Rates will appear. As there are no pre-
set exchange rates in the communicator, you will
have to set the base currency and the exchange
rates before you can use the currency converter.

Within the Rates view, Edit unit allows you to
change the name of the currency.

To use the currency converter:


In the Currency conversion main view, press
Rates, then Base currency.


Scroll to the currency you would like to set as
the base currency and press OK.


The screen returns to the list of available cur-
rency units. Enter the exchange rates com-
pared to the base currency. Press Close to
return to the Currency conversion main view.


Select the currency from which you want to
convert in the list on the left, and the curren-
cy to which you want to convert in the list on
the right.


Enter the quantity you would like to convert.
The amount is displayed in the result field.

Note: Changing the base currency will clear all

set exchange rates.

Figure 11-4

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