This application allows you to make conversions
between different units of measure, which in-
clude: length, area, volume, mass, velocity, tem-
perature, power, energy, and currency.
The converter main view shows two identical
lists containing the units to be converted. Below
them on the left is the input field, and on the
right the result field. The frame of the currently
active list is darkened and the cursor is in the in-
put field.
To make a conversion:
Press Conversion type to open the list of
units of measure.
Select one of the conversion types by scroll-
ing the list and press OK.
When the main view returns, scroll the selec-
tion frame in the original units list (on the
left) to the unit from which you want to con-
vert. Change between lists by pressing
Change list.
Scroll the selection frame in the converted
units list (on the right) to the units to which
you want to convert.
Enter the amount to be converted. Any
amount you enter will automatically appear
in the input field. The result will appear in the
result field.