Nokia 9000i Communicator - Import/Export contacts

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Import/Export contacts

The Import/Export contacts application allows
you to export contact cards to a PC and import
them back to the communicator. The contact in-
formation is exported to the PC as a single ASCII
text file, contacts.txt, which can be edited as any
ASCII file. If you edit the contents of the file, you
should be very careful not to delete accidentally
any record or field definition strings, placed in-
side square brackets [ ]. Do not delete any of the
brackets, either. It is always a good idea to back
up your data before doing any editing.

Alternatively, you can open the exported contact
information in an application or database com-
patible with the Nokia 9000i Communicator’s
contact card format.

The main view shows the connection type used
and the default path in the PC. To change the
connection settings, press Settings.

Before using this application, make sure that the
connectivity software has been installed on your
PC and is running (see ”Connecting to a PC” on
page 10-5).

To import contacts:

Press Import in the Import/Export contacts
main view. When the data in the defined PC
directory has been copied to the communica-
tor, you will be asked to confirm the conver-
sion of the imported data as contact cards.
The imported contacts will be added to your
contacts directory.

To export contacts:

Press Export in the Import/Export contacts
main view. If a file with the default name
(contacts.txt) already exists on the PC, the
existing file will be overwritten.